





‧報名費不退還。例外情況:僅限您的量級沒有對手,且不願意更換至其他組別、量級參賽,請主動和主辦單位聯絡tournament@ctbjja.org (主旨:取消參賽),若逾時且無向主辦單位告知修正或異動需求,則視同資料正確無誤不得要求退費。


Terms and Conditions

I understand that by entering this competition, I will be competing at my own risk. I understand that Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a potentially dangerous and/or fatal sport and agree that I will hold blameless the Chinese Taipei Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Assocciation (CTBJJA), the CTBJJA staff, tournament staff, Taipei City or its staff, and each of their agents, employees and representatives from any liability in case of my injury or death at this tournament or as result thereof. I also state that I am in good physical condition, and know of no reason why I cannot participate in this tournament.

Registration fees are non-refundable. Exception: Competitors who are alone in their bracket are eligible to receive a full refund of the registration fee.

By agreeing to this release form each and every competitor acknowledges that his or her performance might be recorded for future release by CTBJJA or any of its partners. CTBJJA has the right to take and release any images, footage or videos of any or every competitor.